
University of Liège

IT support center in the School of Psychology, Speech Therapy & Education

Online help - BELENOS

BELENOS: a tool for encoding, monitoring and managing requests for assistance.

Belenos provides many advantages:

  • You are sure that your request will not be forgotten.
  • You can track the processing your request.
  • You have a communication tool for interacting about an issue and providing additional information.
  • By encoding your request, our issue database grows, and thus contributes to speed and quality of solutions.
  • Accessible from any computer connected to the Internet.

There are two computing sites in the school of psychology.

Two fully equipped rooms are available for students in the B32 building (ground level).
Cafeim multimedia center is open from 8 am to 6 pm. It welcomes students for classes requiring computer use. Outside from these moments, the room is open to all students. You will find 42 computers and a special computer for the teacher. This network is equipped with the software Netop School that lets the teacher take control over student machines. The room is also podcast equipped An A3 laser printer is available and can be used with our printing software.

The Piaget room is a study center. You will find 6 desktop computers, a smartboard, and a color laser printer that can be used with our printing software.

All our buildings and our garden are Wi-Fi covered.

To insure your computer and multimedia hardware against theft and breakage, here is the procedure. For each acquired hardware we need this information:

  • the owner lab,
  • the hardware serial number,
  • the purchase value including taxes,
  • a copy of the invoice or order including the order number,
  • the date at which the hardware was acquired,
  • whether the device stays in a university building or can moves outside the university,
  • If you do not provide this information, we cannot insure your material.
Each year, in January, each professor receives a file containing all the insured devices. They will be asked to update this list. The updated list must be returned by Jan 20. This list is transferred to "Ethias Assurances" and will be used to compute the insurance premium of each lab. During the rest of the year, all devices acquired are automatically covered by the insurance. If you are using a private computer, it can be covered by this insurance if you include it in the updated file in January, but it is not covered before this!



When damage occurs, an insurance claim must be fulfilled, in case of theft a police statement should be joined. The devices data (device brand type and serial number) must be joined. And details of the damage should be described.

The calculation of refund is as follows:

    We start with the replacement value: the amount necessary to replace the machine with a comparable current machine.
    Obsolescence: not taken into account.
    Excess: for theft 125.00 euros, for breakage 125.00 euros.
Example: for a high-end notebook bought 1800 euros 4 years and 2 months ago and stolen. Ethias will refund 875 euros (replacement value estimated at 1000 euros, reduced by 0% for obsolescence minus 125 euros of excess).
It is important to consider this when deciding which equipment should be covered.
Warning in case of theft, there must have been burglary, threat or violence. Insurance will not pay anything if you fall asleep in the train and someone steals your computer! If your laptop is in a car, be sure to put it in the boot, and don't let it there after 10pm!


The annual premium excluding taxes is 0.125% of the device price per year for stationary equipment and 0.75% for mobile equipment. + 150% of the difference between the premium for the year t+1 and year t.


Development of programs and software.

To the extent of our possibilities, we ensure the development of useful tools to the community of the School of Psychology, Speech therapy and Education. Thus we have developed tools for data collection, student management, management of educational resources, management of the consultation center (CPLU), management of academic conferences, etc.
Find more details on our projects page.


Advices for computer equipment purchase

When an ULg lab want to buy computer equipment it must purchase it from mandatory suppliers (Cesame site). The UDI-Fapse IT support center gives advices, do not hesitate...


UDI-Fapse University of Liège

Building B32 - Agora
2, place des Orateurs
4000 Liège

Office hours

9:00 a.m. - noon
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Or Belenos online help